Wine Well Sjekloća
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Sjekloća Winery is the first registered private wine production facility in Montenegro. It is owned by Milenko K. Sjekloća...


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Wines of the week "Sjekloca Vranac Montenegro"

It has always struck me that the southern Balkan red wine variety Vranac has great potential. Even the most commonly available example, that made in quantity by Plantaže at their winery called "13 July" in what was Titograd in Montenegro

Medal for Montenegrin wine at prestigious competition in London

Argumentation of the Award of the city of Bar „ 24th November “

Today in Bar, in Montenegro and in many towns out of Montenegro its is enough to say Vranac ,,Sjekloca’’, and how did all this begin? How did the graduated legist and the last president of the Municipal committee of the Union of Communists of Yugoslavia in Bar become the father of far and wide famous vranac ,,Sjekloca’’?

Managing director of International organization for grape and vine, Federiko Kasteluci, during his official visit to Montenegro dated September 22, 2011, visited "Sjekloca Vineyard".